Compilation Of Xiaomi News
iLevon shares some information that seems to indicate three 4G phones are coming from Xiaomi.
Full-size image (click = big):
Lei Jun talks about the new game Xiaomi introduced …
… and PingWest has an article about the background of the game, Xiaomi’s involvement, the requirement that it showcase the MiPad’s capabilities, and the news that it’s already gotten several hundred thousand subscribers [Google Translate].
There’s yet another “Big Move” from Xiaomi, this time on December 15 involving the MiPad.
The URL in the Weibo points to what seems to be a new site for the MiPad thathighlights reading. I have to note here that with this Xiaomi has done more to showcase books than Apple has for its tablets.
Not only can the MiBand module be laser-engraved, so can the button that fastens it.
Note that the Swastika has a different meaning in China (and some other non-Western cultures):
There are some Weibos from Xiaomi staff — and Xiaomi fanboiz — about the Balmuda air purifier plagiarism. I’m not including any of those here. They all lack any credibility of innocence and defense.
Spinning out of control, one Xiaomi staff member is trying to use a Robin Hood defense for their Balmuda design theft.
How absolutely outrageous and pathetic. Who the hell is Xiaomi to say what someone else should have as a profit margin? Since when is a lower price point any kind of justification for theft? Karma is going to come down on Xiaomi’s head!
A Weibo from CUBE is an epic smackdown of Xiaomi.
Here is Bing Translator’s version:
Millet is not done, just fake it? Air purifiers have been digging other people, this time digging up the floor ‘?
Rotating my dendrites to parse between the two, it seems to me that CUBE is calling Xiaomi out for being a fraud and saying such plagiarism is digging Xiaomi’s grave!
Seeing CUBE bother to comment on it is worthy of inclusion for two reasons:
1) Companies generally don’t get involved in the controversies of other companies.
2) CUBE is the size of a fly yet it speaks up against a Goliath like Xiaomi! I admire such guts.
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